The Care of Unconscious Patients During Critical Illness and Peri-Operative Anesthesia


It is quite challenging to care for unconscious patients (from critical illness or peri-operative anesthesia). Perhaps the most worrisome aspect is to ensure that homeostasis is properly maintained. In normal states, the human body engages a myriad of physiological mechanisms that ensure the body is in a stable internal environment. However, these mechanisms are severely impaired when a patient is unconscious. 1

Unconsciousness may result from traumatic brain injury, stroke, sepsis, or anesthesia. It interrupts the body’s protective reflexes, communication pathways, and the autonomic control of critical functions. 2

When these systems fail, patients are at risk of the following complications:

  • Cardiac arrest
  • Respiratory failure
  • Renal failure
  • Gastrointestinal dysfunction
  • Decubitus ulcers
  • Multi-organ failure

Table 1: Homeostatic Impairments in Unconscious Patients

Homeostatic MechanismDisruption During UnconsciousnessInterventions
Temperature RegulationLoss of thermoregulation (hypothermia/hyperthermia)External warming/cooling
Fluid/Electrolyte BalanceRisk of dehydration, fluid overload, or imbalancesIV fluids and electrolyte replacement
Cardiovascular RegulationAutonomic control loss, risk of arrhythmias, and hypotensionCardiac monitoring, vasopressors, and antiarrhythmics
Respiratory RegulationRespiratory depression and risk of acidosisMechanical ventilation/CO2 and O2 monitoring
Glucose HomeostasisHypo/hyperglycemia risk and impaired energy metabolismGlucose monitoring and insulin/dextrose administration
Acid-Base BalanceRisk of metabolic acidosis/alkalosisBlood gas monitoring and sodium bicarbonate for acidosis
Renal FunctionRisk of acute kidney injuryDialysis and diuretics
Neurological RegulationLoss of autonomic control and impaired reflexesNeurostimulation tests and EEG monitoring

During critical illness or peri-operative anesthesia, healthcare providers usually rely on advanced monitoring and supportive interventions to temporarily replace the physiological mechanisms.

Homeostasis in Physiology

Homeostasis describes the body’s ability to maintain a stable internal environment despite external changes. When this system is impaired, numerous complications may arise.

Cardiovascular System

Homeostasis of the heart and blood vessels is maintained thanks to neural, hormonal, and mechanical feedback loops. The carotid sinus and aortic arch contain sensors (i.e., baroreceptors) that detect changes in blood pressure and send signals to the brainstem. As a result, heart rate and vascular resistance are adjusted accordingly. These systems allow the body to respond quickly to changes in position (e.g., standing up) or activity (e.g., exercise). 3 The ultimate goal is to ensure that blood flow and pressure remain adequate.

Respiratory System

On a similar path, the respiratory system maintains homeostasis through the regulation of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the blood. Central and peripheral chemoreceptors detect changes in the levels of blood gas and adjust the rate and depth of breathing accordingly. Once again, the sole purpose of this process is to make sure that all organs receive enough oxygen to function properly. At the same time, gas exchange removes the excess CO2 levels from the body. Note that high levels of CO2 may cause respiratory acidosis. 4 This is an extremely dangerous medical emergency that requires immediate intervention.

Renal System

The renal system maintains homeostasis by regulating blood volume, electrolyte balance, and waste removal through urine production. This system also ensures that sodium, potassium, and calcium are carefully regulated. Hormonal systems such as the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) also regulate blood pressure and fluid balance.

In unconscious patients, renal function may be compromised due to decreased perfusion or underlying critical illness. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication in critically ill patients and may cause fluid overload, electrolyte imbalances, and metabolic acidosis. Monitoring urine output, serum creatinine, and electrolyte levels is indispensable. Moreover, interventions such as diuretics or dialysis may be required to support renal function.

Neurological System

The brainstem and hypothalamus coordinate several physiological functions. When a patient is unconscious, these neurological controls may be disrupted. As a result, issues such as impaired thermoregulation, loss of protective reflexes, and altered mental status may arise. Continuous neurological assessment (e.g., Glasgow Coma Scale, intracranial pressure) is important.

Gastrointestinal System

In unconscious patients, GI function can be compromised due to decreased blood flow, immobility, and the effects of medications or anesthesia. This can precipitate complications such as constipation, ileus, and increased risk of infections (e.g., aspiration pneumonia from gastric reflux). Healthcare providers may use feeding tubes, monitor gastric residuals, and administer prokinetic agents to promote digestion and prevent complications.

Integumentary System

Unconscious patients are at high risk of pressure sores due to immobility. These sores result from prolonged pressure on the skin, which reduces blood flow to the affected areas. The prevention of pressure ulcers in unconscious patients requires regular repositioning, the use of specialized mattresses, and monitoring for early signs of skin breakdown.

Cardiovascular System – Homeostasis in Unconscious Patients

The role of the cardiovascular system in the regulation of blood pressure, heart rate, and tissue perfusion is indispensable for life. During normal situations, the body adjusts different cardiovascular parameters to meet the fluctuation of demands (e.g., stressful situations, physical activity).

More specifically, baroreceptors monitor blood pressure and signal the autonomic nervous system to make necessary adjustments. When necessary, the sympathetic nervous system increases heart rate and blood pressure during times of stress. Conversely, the parasympathetic system dampens these parameters during times of rest.

Impairments of The Cardiovascular System in Unconscious Patients

In an unconscious patient, these regulatory processes are severely impaired. For example, anesthetic agents such as propofol or isoflurane act as central nervous system depressants during peri-operative anesthesia. The drugs reduce sympathetic outflow, which promotes vasodilation (i.e., the widening of the blood vessels). The direct result of this phenomenon is a drop in blood pressure. What’s more, many anesthetic drugs act as negative inotropes. In other words, they reduce myocardial contractility, which is a key component of the cardiac output equation.

In critically ill patients (e.g., septic shock), the release of cytokines across all blood vessels causes widespread vasodilation and capillary leakage. This mechanism impairs the other two important components of the cardiac output equation (i.e., preload and afterload). 5

Care of Unconscious Patients During Critical Illness and Peri-Operative Anesthesia

The result of a drop in cardiac output is the poor perfusion of peripheral tissues, which causes tissue necrosis and multi-organ damage.

Monitoring and Support of The Cardiovascular System in Unconscious Patients

Monitoring cardiovascular function in unconscious patients is vital to prevent complications such as cardiac arrest and organ failure. Several tools are used to assess cardiovascular status:

Arterial blood pressure (ABP) monitoring

This provides continuous measurements of blood pressure, which is essential to detect hypotension early. Invasive arterial lines are commonly used in critically ill or anesthetized patients, which allows for more accurate and real-time data.

Central venous pressure (CVP)

This measures central vein pressure and provides insights into the patient’s fluid status as well as venous return. It’s useful to guide fluid resuscitation and ensures that enough blood returns to the heart to maintain cardiac output.

Pulmonary artery catheters

These are sometimes used in critically ill patients to measure cardiac output, pulmonary artery pressures, and tissue oxygenation. This data helps clinicians assess how well the heart is functioning and whether interventions such as inotropes (i.e., drugs that increase heart contractility) are needed.

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Continuous ECG monitoring is important to detect arrhythmias, which are common in unconscious patients due to the effects of anesthesia, electrolyte imbalances, or underlying cardiac conditions.

When cardiovascular function is impaired, vasopressors are administered to restore blood pressure. Drugs such as norepinephrine increase vascular resistance as they constrict blood vessels, which raises blood pressure and ensures adequate tissue perfusion. In cases of poor cardiac output, inotropic agents like dobutamine are used to strengthen the heart’s contractions.

The administration of intravenous fluids increases circulating blood volume, which supports venous return and improves tissue perfusion. 6 However, fluid management must be carefully balanced to avoid fluid overload, which can cause complications such as pulmonary edema (i.e., fluid accumulation in the lungs).

Table 2: Monitoring Techniques for Cardiovascular Function in Unconscious Patients

Monitoring ToolPurposeClinical Significance
Arterial blood pressureContinuous blood pressure measurementDetects hypotension or hypertension in real-time
Central venous pressureMeasures venous return and fluid statusGuides fluid resuscitation decisions
Pulmonary artery catheterMonitors cardiac output and pulmonary pressuresAssesses heart function and tissue perfusion
Electrocardiography (ECG)Tracks heart rate and rhythmIdentifies arrhythmias and myocardial ischemia
Pulse contour analysisEstimates stroke volume and cardiac outputNon-invasive alternative to pulmonary artery catheterization

Respiratory System – Homeostasis in Unconscious Patients

The respiratory system is absolutely vital to maintain normal blood oxygen levels and eliminate carbon dioxide. Under normal conditions, chemoreceptors in the carotid body and the medulla oblongata detect changes in oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, which triggers adjustments in respiratory rate and depth to maintain proper gas exchange. This ensures that tissues receive sufficient oxygen and that excess carbon dioxide is expelled from the body.

However, the body’s capacity to self-regulate becomes compromised in unconscious patients. Disruptions in the central nervous system can impair the brainstem’s control over breathing. This may cause irregular respiratory patterns, such as shallow breathing or apnea. Without external intervention, hypoxia and hypercapnia can rapidly occur. As a result, the tissues’ viability will be threatened and complications such as acidosis, organ dysfunction, and respiratory failure take place.

In these cases, mechanical support (e.g., intubation or non-invasive ventilation) is often necessary to substitute the body’s diminished ability to regulate respiration.

Impairments of The Respiratory System in Unconscious Patients

In unconscious patients, respiratory function might be severely impaired. Anesthetic agents used during surgery can depress the central respiratory centers in the brainstem, which causes hypoventilation. Consequently, oxygen intake drops and carbon dioxide accumulates. The final result is hypoxemia and hypercapnia. Hypoxemia will eventually lead to tissue hypoxia where the brain, heart, and other tissues are deprived of oxygen, which causes tissue necrosis. On the other hand, hypercapnia precipitates respiratory acidosis where blood pH becomes acidic. 7

In critically ill patients, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a particularly worrisome complication. ARDS is a severe inflammatory response that causes the accumulation of fluid in the alveoli, which impairs oxygen exchange. The main complication in ARDS patients is the failure to maintain normal oxygen levels without mechanical support. In fact, many cases of ARDS may require invasive ventilation strategies. 7

Monitoring and Support of The Respiratory System in Unconscious Patients

One key focus of healthcare providers who work with unconscious patients is to closely monitor their respiratory function. There are numerous tools that can help us in the prevention of respiratory failure, including:

Pulse oximetry

Pulse oximetry is a simple way to assess peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2). It is a non-invasive tool that detects hypoxemia early on in the process. It’s useful since clinicians can intervene before oxygen levels drop too low. 8


Capnography monitors end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2). It provides healthcare professionals with an idea of carbon dioxide elimination. High levels of EtCO2 may be a sign of hypoventilation. Conversely, low levels of EtCO2 translate to hyperventilation or poor tissue perfusion. 8

Arterial blood gases (ABG)

ABG analysis is vital for clinicians to detect respiratory acidosis or alkalosis. This blood test provides details about blood oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH levels. Based on the results, clinicians will adjust the ventilation accordingly. 8

Mechanical ventilation is required in patients who cannot maintain adequate oxygenation. To optimize oxygenation and prevent complications (e.g., barotrauma) in mechanically ventilated patients, healthcare providers will adjust the following parameters:

  • Ventilation rate.
  • Tidal volume.
  • Positive end-pressure (PEEP).

In the case of ARDS, lung-protective ventilation strategies (e.g., low tidal volume ventilation) are critical to minimize lung injury and maintain adequate oxygenation. 7

In severe cases, patients may be placed in the prone position (face-down) to improve oxygenation. Prone positioning redistributes blood flow in the lungs, which improves ventilation-perfusion matching and enhances oxygen exchange in areas of the lung that are less affected by fluid accumulation. 9

Table 3: Monitoring Techniques for Respiratory Function in Unconscious Patients

Monitoring ToolPurposeClinical Significance
Pulse oximetryMonitors blood oxygen saturation (SpO2)Provides continuous data on oxygenation
CapnographyMeasures end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2)Reflects ventilation effectiveness
Arterial blood gases (ABG)Measures PaO2, PaCO2, and pH levels in the bloodProvides comprehensive data on respiratory and acid-base status
Mechanical ventilationSupports or controls breathingEnsures adequate oxygenation and ventilation
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)Prevents alveolar collapseImproves oxygenation, particularly in ARDS patients

The management of unconscious patients places great emphasis on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Interventions in one system can indirectly impact the other system. For instance, positive pressure ventilation can potentially increase intrathoracic pressure, which lowers venous return and cardiac outcome. This effect is very important in hemodynamically unstable patients as it may exacerbate low blood pressure. 10

Vasopressors are commonly used to support blood pressure. However, these drugs constrict blood vessels, which reduces the flow to the lungs and compromises gas exchange. The most feared complication in these patients is hypoxemia. This is especially worrisome if the patients have poor respiratory function. This is why it’s critical to coordinate between interventions for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Furthermore, clinicians must adjust ventilatory settings and the administration of drugs based on real-time feedback from monitoring devices.

In peri-operative settings, surgery often complicates the balance between the heart, vessels, and lungs. For example, cardiovascular instability is worsened because of blood loss, fluid shifts, and the stress response to surgery. Moreover, anesthetic agents depress the cardiorespiratory drive. Therefore, it is important for clinicians to be extra careful and frequently adjust the interventions to maintain homeostasis.


Unconscious patients who are preparing for surgery or critically ill require careful monitoring. More specifically, cardiovascular and respiratory homeostasis become indispensable to maintain. It’s important to keep in mind that unconscious patients may be unable to regulate their cardiopulmonary function. As a result, external intervention is crucial.

Advanced monitoring techniques are very helpful for healthcare providers to detect early signs of instability and intervene accordingly. Additionally, pharmacological drugs are important to restore cardiovascular function.


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